
Thefilm'splotfocusesonFlintLockwoodandhisfriendsreturningtoSwallowFallstosavetheworldafterthepresumed-destroyedFlintLockwoodDiatonic ...,Cast(34)·BillHader·AnnaFaris·JamesCaan·WillForte·AndySamberg·BenjaminBratt·NeilPatrickHarris·TerryCrews.,FlintLockwoodlearnsthathisfoodmakinginventionsurvivedandisnowcombiningfoodandanimalstocreate.,Thisfilmisaboutayounginventorwhohastostopthemachinethatchurn...

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

The film's plot focuses on Flint Lockwood and his friends returning to Swallow Falls to save the world after the presumed-destroyed Flint Lockwood Diatonic ...

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

Cast (34) · Bill Hader · Anna Faris · James Caan · Will Forte · Andy Samberg · Benjamin Bratt · Neil Patrick Harris · Terry Crews.

Watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Flint Lockwood learns that his food making invention survived and is now combining food and animals to create.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

This film is about a young inventor who has to stop the machine that churns out monster food that is alive. Just like the previous film, Cloudy with a Chance ...

Watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Inventor Flint Lockwood battles mutant food beasts created by his notorious machine, including shrimpanzees, tacodiles and jellyfish sandwiches.